Newsletter for Carol Nelson Fine Art

I'm posting my latest newsletter here on my blog.  If you would like to receive a free email copy, just sign up on my website.

"This year your ship will come in."

Hello Subscribers and Art Lovers,

This picture of cats on a waterfront is so cute.  I have no idea
why they're all sitting there, but the caption is perfect for the
start of a new year.

I found the image on a new site you might like. 
It's called Pinterest

Think of a series of bulletin boards where you can pin up
pictures of things you find interesting in your wanderings
around the blogosphere and the internet. 

Here's a link to my page:   Of course,
many of the things on my boards are art related, but you
can pin up ANYTHING. 

Once you start looking at other people's boards,
you will find lots of interesting stuff.

Disclaimer:  I am not responsible for your wasted time
when you start perusing this site. 

I'd be happy to send you an invitation to join - just email


Happily, I've had a flurry of recent sales at galleries and
over the internet. Here's a few:

                                 " Eventide"   
                                  "Over the River"

     "Lavender Shale"       "Reconstruction"


                        "Ignition Point"


Did you know that many of my paintings are available as
reproductions onFine Art America?
This site is a print-on-demand service that I have
used myself. The prints are extremely high quality.

They offer a way to enjoy artwork where the original
may be already sold, or at the definite savings of a fine
art reproduction.  Click here for a link to my gallery
on FAA.

Here's two of my latest paintings I am showing on 
Fine Art America. The originals of these two are
still available.

             "Midas Touch"

       "Heart on the Mend"

Workshops:  I have several workshops planned for 2012. 
Several are in Colorado and some are in Texas.
I don't have all of them posted yet, but if you want to be
on my notification list, just send me your email address,
and I will notify you when details are available.

Click here to go to my website and see the workshop list.

Thanks for reading this far.
Please feel free to share this newsletter with the world.



  1. Your work is all so incredibly beautiful! Midas Touch really stands out to me. I'm going to check out Pinterest! That cat photo is really inspiring!

  2. great blog! I love the pic of those cats. They are way too cute! The Fine Art America, you've had good luck with them? I currently make prints of my work myself, but in the future I am looking to make prints of larger sizes.

  3. I just joined that site. I am not calling it "wasted time" but instead "time out." I especially love your painting "fuchsia".
