Blogger Award

I was tagged by Sheila Tajima with the Fabulous Blogger Award.
In return, my task is to tag 5 more blogs of artists whose work I love. This is an incredibly difficult job to pick out five of the many, many blogs I follow and admire. I tried to chose bloggers who have not already been tagged, but I'm not sure if they have or not. My list includes:
Susan Beauchmin, who does incredible water colors
Vicki Shuck, who is a master at portraits and figures
Mark Adams, paints everything so wonderfully
Suzanne Berry, very beautiful work
Art Studio Secrets, Lisa Gloria and Cindy Procious have a very interesting blog going here.


CindyProcious said...

Thanks, Carol! Appreciate the nice words. :)

Unknown said...

Great job Carol! Thanks for posting these artists. I'm looking forward to discovering their works! hugs

Unknown said...

Wow, my heads spinning after looking at your artists choices. Thank you for letting me discover more gems out there Carol!