Yellow Onions, 00909, onion still life

These onions are actually very attractive. I bought a bag on onions and considered painting them in the bag until I thought about the complexity of such a painting with the mesh of the bag on top of the layers of peel on the onions. I could do it, but I would have to charge $1000 for a little painting.

This painting is on a 6x6 gallery wrap canvas. For more info on this painting, please see my website:


I Want To Be An Artist said...

Wow! This is fantastic!!

Dean Grey said...

I am a sucker for still lifes, specifically fruit/vegetable still lifes.

The colors in your work have such an intensity to them and this painting is no exception.

The onions are so warm and at times appear to glow when you look at them quick enough.

Just so rich and vibrant and inviting. Love it!


Sally Tharp said...

Your paintings have such a warmth to them!! Lovely!