Cold and Crisp, 07808, winter mountain snow scene

I like the limited palette and the linear elements of this painting. I was striving for a "painterly effect" with fluid loose brush strokes, but I may tidy it up a bit after it drys a couple days. OK, I DID tidy it up a bit, also put on a very dilute golden glaze (Liquin and raw sienna) on the white areas because the longer shadows indicated it was later in the afternoon.


Michele said...

Hi Carol, I don't think you need to rework this at all. Those of us who like detail and tend to labor over paintings, have a hard time getting loose and painterly (I speak for myself). I think you've accomplished everything here and it's working beautifully. Michele

Carol Nelson said...

Thanks, Michele. I love hearing other artists' opinions. I'm still studying this one.

Unknown said...

Hi Carol, just found your blog and I love your bold colors and confident brushstrokes. I'll be back.