Self Portrait, 06808

A call for entries went out from a local art group for artists to do their self portrait. Sometimes I have these great ideas at 5am - I think about paintings in bed - that in the light of day are not such great ideas after all.

With this painting, I thought it would be really unique to paint my portrait on this 9 pack of 4x4 gallery wrap canvases. I thought it would make my effort stand out from the crowd. It turned out to be a reall pain in the a--! The canvases don't line up perfectly and there are uneven gaps between them.

I set my camera on my easel and stared into it as if I were looking at a painting. I know I look at paintings in progress in this pose because I often get paint on my chin! My brother thought I looked mad. No. It's supposed to be a contemplative pose. sigh.
There's a few things I like about the painting. I thought I captured the shadows of my glasses really well. Also like my hand. And, of course, a random rearrangement of the canvases, yields a Picasso-like version of me!! LOL I will let you know if my portrait is accepted and/or wins anything.


Andrea and Kim said...

Carol, what a brilliant idea! I love this and how wonderful it looks, too. I don't think you look mad...I would call it quite contemplative.

I have to say I agree there is very little to compare to the ideas that come when we are relaxing.


Sylvia Jenstad said...

Wow!! had to stop... this is amazing... and what a great idea... and you can change yourself around to fit your mood...

Paintings by Irit Bourla said...

WOW! I love this idea you are creative.

online casino PayPal said...

Excellent idea