:Carol: "Art Show Surprise
Nelson - Blog
I just got back from a reception for the show, 'Romancing the Arts' in Castle Rock. I had entered 3 paintings and they all were accepted. To my surprise, one of my paintings received Best In Show. The winner is an abstract I finished recently called Influence of Principles.
The title refers to the subject matter in Edgar Payne's Composition of Outdoor Painting. Payne's book was written before I was born, but the principles of composition discussed in the book are classic and timeless. Composition of Outdoor Painting is a must read for any artist with it's detailed analysis of what constitutes good composition. What I find particularly interesting about composition is that the average person, without the benefit of art study or training, can intuitively pick out superior composition.
Posted by on 2/10/2007 Permalink Make the first comment"
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