Mixed Media Metal Collage, "Copper and Rust" © Carol Nelson Fine Art

"Copper and Rust" mm collage by Carol Nelson
The unusual thing about this painting is the background color. At Home Depot, I came across a pint of "oops paint", meaning some customer did not like the color that was mixed, so it was heavily discounted.

This happened to be Ralph Lauren's Polished Patina series, color Scarlet Verona. It's the top coat, and is meant to go over a base coat. Well, I didn't know that, and just bought the top coat. It has a LOT of what I think is copper powder mixed in the paint, and looks especially good when painted on black paper I later found out.

On this painting, which is on a wood panel, it has a lot of subtle metallic sheen that the camera cannot pick up. The central squared off spiral is hammered copper wire.

 8"x8"x1"  Mixed Media on Panel

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1 comment:

Sharon Lynn Williams Fine Art said...

Love this one Carol! Your work is always so stunning, but this one really caught my eye. Did you make it right on the cradled panel (or canvs??) or is it done on paper which you adhered to the support? Look forward to seeing more of your great work this year!