Mixed Media Abstract Collage, "Billboard 6" © Carol Nelson Fine Art

"Billboard 6" 30x40 abstract by Caro Nelson

This is the sixth in my Billboard Series of abstract, geometric collages. Each one is a puzzle to create. Most of the papers are hand altered before use.

Moving them around, painting over them, tearing things off, adjusting values and colors - it's all part of the creative process of collage that I love.

This painting has a little message:  "Don't compare your Chapter 1 with someone else's Chapter 20."  I see that all the time in my teaching.  Beginning students want their work to look just like the teacher's work IMMEDIATELY.  Developing your art is a multi-year process.  Chapter 1 is only the beginning.


 40"x30"x1.5 Mixed Media on Canvas/Available

 Click HERE for pricing.

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