June Newsletter from Carol Nelson Fine Art

Hello Subscribers and Art Lovers,

It's about time I cranked out another newsletter
to let you know what's going on in my studio.

Since I talked to you three months ago, I've
traveled to Dallas, TX, and Dillman's Resort in
Wisconsin for workshops, and Taos, NM, just for fun.
Here's my group in Dallas working away.

       Workshop slaves in Dallas

This is the sunrise from my plane window on the
way to Dallas.  Looks like a painting, right?

    Sunrise from a plane


In Wisconsin, my cabin had a great view
of the sunset on White Sand Lake.  And,
YES, I heard loons calling.  I'm an old
Minnesota girl, so love the sound of loons.

      Dillman's sunset


While in Taos, my friend Chris Giroux wanted to stop
at a gem and mineral store - she uses rocks, shells,
fossils in her mixed media paintings.

I found this amazing piece of petrified wood that
became the inspiration for a painting.

         rock             "Wood Rock" 36x24

And that's not all.  The other side of this piece of
petrified wood is just as pretty, so I have another
inspiration to work from.  There are so many rocks
that look like an abstract painting - it's a great
place to get ideas.


If you're in the Denver area:
This weekend is the Art Students League of Denver
big outdoor show - the SUMMER ART MARKET
I'll be in booth #6 at about 4th and Grant.
Click here for more info.

Also for Denver area artists:  I often get students
from out of state who would like to share semi-private
instruction in my studio.  If you're interested in
being an "oncall" student, drop me an email so I
can add your name to the list.


My painting, "Billboard 2" won an award in the Bold
Brush Painting Competition.  The idea behind this
hodge podge painting is DECONSTRUCTING a mixed media
piece so you see remnants of what was torn away -
similar to the way an outdoor sign board or poster
board looks.



New Website:  I decided to make a new website devoted
specifically to my geologic and southwestern style
paintings.  It's called SouthwestAbstractArt.com
It has some of the same work as on my regular website,
but this is not as busy, and looks pretty good I think.
Click on the above link to take a look.


Recent sales have all been on the internet or from
students at my workshops.  Here's a few that just left:




I'll leave you with one glorious shot of the Spanish
broom plant which is going crazy in my back yard right
now.  I wish the blooms lasted longer than two or three
weeks, but it's great while it lasts.


Warm regards,


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