"Cream & Sugar" still life with cream and sugar in Van Gogh pattern © Carol Nelson Fine Art

"Cream & Sugar"

Leslie Byrd Saeta 's 30 Marketing Ideas in 30 Days day 2 assignment is to choose a painting that has not sold for some reason, but you like and think is worthy of another consideration. 
Here's my choice. I did this painting when I was doing realism paintings in oil. It's called Cream & Sugar and is a painting of my china set. Click here for purchase information: http://carolnelsonfineart.com/works/93512/cream-and-sugar
This is a painting of my cream & sugar containers in my china set called Van Gogh. 

1 comment:

  1. I must say this is a great post. Keep it up and keep posting blogs on related matter and post on Monet Paintings.
