My Painting on the Cover

Color Quad

I'm excited to share with you this new Blick Catalog cover. If you're a customer of Blick Art Materials, you'll probably get one in the mail soon. If you look carefully at my painting, Color Quad, you will see that the bottom right quarter panel of this quadtych was used as the cover image.  How cool is that?!

I have no idea how Blick came across this image of mine, or why they chose to use it (perhaps they recognized genius).  lol

We had to jump through quite a few hoops to make this happen, however, because Blick needed a high resolution image of the painting. I had already sold the painting and the only image I had on my computer was too small for printing. 

Fortunately, I was able to contact the owner of the painting, and he agreed to send the original painting to Blick so they could get a high res photo of it. 

Ironically, the original painting was only about 300 miles from the Blick offices in Illinois.  I sent the owner of the painting one of my Gemstone Series painting as a thank you for his efforts on my behalf.

A few years ago, the Blick Art Materials folks had me paint a painting on their newly marketed quad packs - 4 gallery wrap canvases sold in a pack of four.  Below is the painting I did for them that was featured in their catalog.

The nice thing about that painting is that Blick supplied the canvases, and then they bought the painting!


  1. Very cool Carol, they obviously have great taste!

  2. Congratulations, Carol on this wonderful relationship with Blick! Well deserved!

  3. Congratulations on all counts! Beautiful painting and getting the cover is Major!

  4. Terrific!! I will look forward to getting my catalog! Yes, they do recognize genius!

  5. It deserves to be on the cover of many magazines,it is so beautiful and vibrant,it speaks volume about you and your styles of work and master strokes.Congratulations Carol and you are such a great human being,The Californian poppy pieces are also stunning.

  6. Congratulations Carol, beautiful cover.

  7. Congratulations! Beautiful work and so nice to have it recognized and publicized :)

  8. Congratulations, Carol! Your brillant work (colors and execution) are so deserving to be on the cover!

  9. Talent deserves recognition.....happy for you.

  10. Looking forward to getting my Blick book so I can show your work to my students. Well done.
    Gail James

  11. Hi Carol,

    Your painting really caught my eye on DPW so here I am at your blog reading the story behind this painting. Congratulations on being the featured on Dick!



  12. I'm not surprised my friend! CONGRATULATIONS! Always exciting to see your work all over!! Keep it up!

  13. What a wonderful acknowledgment of your considerable talent!

  14. Congratulations on the cover Carol! How lucky you are that you knew who owns the painting and that he helped to get the image to Blick! Your work has inspired me since I found your blog last year... keep up the good work! So happy for you!

  15. Congratulations Carol! Blick is the winner here...awesome work!

  16. It just doesn't get better than that!
    Carol, whenever I think of you or hear your name or see your work, I remember the first work I saw of yours. Blues and Golds with a clock.
    I love your color harmony which is rich and vibrant.

  17. Hi Carol, got my new Blick catalog and right away had to find your blog! Love your work! will keep following!
