Rich, Matt, and Chris

These are portraits I recently finished of three brothers, commissioned by their Dad as a surprise Mother's Day gift for their Mom.  
I painted them in the same style of my 100 Portraits series.  It was fun to do some portraits again and I'm very happy with how these turned out.

For Mother's Day, my daughters Suzanne and Lauren took me out to brunch.  Then we went to the Denver Art Museum to see the Yves St. Laurent exhibition.  Over 300 of the famous designer's fashions were on display.


  1. Those are awesome portraits! I'm admiring how you painted the teeth so realistically, that's one of the hardest things for me. You did such a wonderful job, and what a treasure for your family to have!

  2. The three of you look gorgeous together!! always...fabulous portraits!

  3. Wow! Amazing job - I can't do portraits to save my life. I hope you enjoyed your Mother's Day :)

  4. Wow Carol! These are magnificent! I love your work & these are no exception!

  5. I'm sure their Mom shed a tear of delight when she got this wonderful gift.
