"HIDDEN TREASURE" 12027, mixed media contemporary abstract © Carol Nelson Fine Art

I especially like the copper tacks on this multi-layered painting.
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I had a wonderful week giving private lessons to a gal who, I guess,  would be my biggest fan in Australia. Since I don't have any workshops scheduled down under, Pam Altschwager flew all the way from Adelaide to Denver to spend a week in my studio.

Carol, Pam and Charles
Pam is a graphic designer who is determined to get her fingers dirty with mixed media. Pam taught me some valuable things about manipulating images on the computer, and also how to make pavlova, that delectable Aussie dessert.

Unfortunately, our pavlova experiment did not work too well at 5400 feet above sea level.

collapsed pav
 If you pavlova collapses, you can disguise the height deficiency with whipped cream.

pav with whipped cream and fruit
Although we spent the majority of our time down in my basement studio, Pam did manage to experience some things that were new to her like snow flakes, Colorado mountains, Walmart, a reuben sandwich, and a Dairy Queen blizzard.  Good times.

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