"GREEN AND BLUE LEAVES" 12024, contemporary mixed media aspen leaves © Carol Nelson Fine Art

Green and Blue Leaves

These are not real leaves (people always ask me if they are.)  They are made from painted watercolor paper and mounted on a textured board.

I have done several leaf paintings this way.  It's fun to play with the colors.  I know it would be hard to find blue aspen leaves, but I thought they looked nice, so here they are.

The theme is reminiscent of the violin I decorated for the Denver Young Artists Orchestra fundraiser.  The auction Gala is coming up soon - I hope my violin sells for a lot.  That's mine on the invitation - woo-hoo!

For more information about this painting, click here to go to my website.

1 comment:

  1. You make them look so real, another beautiful piece and I immediately thought of your violin piece, it should do well at the gala!
