Annual Heart Shaped Valentine Meatloaf

My husband, Morris, loves his meatloaf.  So every Valentine's Day that's what I make him for dinner.  It may not look that appetizing, but he LOVES it. 

I like to decorate it with those puffed hearts on a stick. Looks quite festive. I put them in the meatloaf for the photo, then rinse them off and put them away for another year.

Meat loaf sandwiches the next day are almost a bigger treat.


  1. So you're not the only creative one in the family! This is really cute.

  2. cute post - and i like meatloaf too, lol.

  3. What a cute idea. My husband loves meatloaf too. I might have to steal your idea next year if you don't mind.

  4. What a cute idea. My husband loves meatloaf too. I might have to steal your idea next year if you don't mind.

  5. Thanks, everyone. I've been doing the heart shaped meatloaf for years. He always knows what he's going to get, but I usually add some surprise elements.

    This year I stuck paper hearts all over his mirror, and put little hard candy hearts scattered under the covers on his side of the bed (I'm so mean lol)
