"FOLLOW THE SUN" 11085, colorful, contemporary, daisy flowers © Carol Nelson Fine Art

Follow the Sun

I painted these daisies a couple years ago.  The painting has been hanging on my wall in my studio.  I kept looking at the original version, which had some blue in it.  I think it was the blue that was bugging me, so I took it out of the frame, and went to town on it.

My husband, who is my greatest critic, likes the original version better.  I like the new version.  Any thoughts?

Today's letter from Robert Genn, The Painter's Keys, addresses this very subject.  We talk to our paintings and they talk back.
Click here to read the interesting article.

For more information on this painting, click here to go to my website.


  1. Your warm background is wonderful. Don't you just love it when a plan comes together. Merry Christmas.

  2. WOW, what a choice! The original version is nice...the blue and orangy colors make for good contrast...however, I don't feel they fight with the background as much in the new version...there is a peacefulness to it...more mono chromatic in a way...I have to agree with you...I like the second version better for this particular piece. Beautiful as always!

  3. I agree with you. I love the new version. My husband ALWAYS likes the old versions when I revamp. I think they should just paint their own pictures! I think the daisies look beautiful!

  4. I like them both. It is a totally different feel in each. The more analgous colors in the second feels more right, but the blue/aqua background sure makes the sunflowers pop in the first one. Interesting how much different the feel is.

  5. I think the light is so much more intense in your second one. Very nice.

  6. Be sure you read the link to Robert Genn's current article on the Painter's Keys.

  7. My eyes prefer your latest version, the colors are more harmonious and warms my heart.

  8. I vote for the second one too. I agree with all the comments Saundra made, well done Carol.
