"TECHNICOLOR TREES" 11075, colorful fall aspen trees © Carol Nelson Fine Art

Technicolor Trees
This painting was done using a "faux batik" process using wax and fluid acrylic paints on imported rice paper.  The rice paper has an embedded silver thread that shows through here and there (not visible in photo.)

For more information, please click here to go to my website.


  1. Wonderful job! Did you actually create this like a batik where you melted off the wax when you were done? One of my fondest memories from Jr. High School art club (many moons ago) was a batik project we did. Your painting is fantastic, I would love to know more about the technique.

  2. Unlike traditional batik on fabric which requires multiple layers of waxing, this one on rice paper is much easier. Paint your painting on a light weight paper, like rice paper. Apply a layer of wax. Crumple the paper to crack the wax. Paint again over crumpled wax with a dark color - I used black in this painting.

    Iron between sheets of newspaper until no more wax melts off. The more crumpling you do, the more cracks and black lines.

  3. This is so lovely! I love the colors and the sort-of abstractness about it. Beautiful.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing, I'll have to pick up some rice paper next time I am at the art supply store and give it a try, does it matter what kind of paint? acrylic or watercolor?

  5. Extraordinary! Found the process you outlined here fascinating, thanks for sharing it.
