Happy Thanksgiving

"Hen Pecked"
I've never done a painting of a turkey, so this mad looking rooster will have to do for this Thanksgiving post.  Click here to go to my website for more info on this painting.


I am thankful to be doing what I love.

I'm thankful when my paintings can bring joy to others.

I'm thankful for all the fabulous students I had the pleasure of instructing this past year.

I'm thankful for the very fun times we had in my classes and workshops - you even laugh at my jokes.

I'm thankful for all my visitors to my blog and website - the world is so small with the magic of the internet.

My art and my wonderful family makes me feel so fortunate to be living this creative life.

Thank you all.  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.



  1. Happy Thanksgiing, Carol...he looks like he just lost his best friend (maybe he did, ohhh).

  2. Hope it was a wonderful one my friend! Love your "Turkey"...
