Dead computer

I have several paintings to share with you, but my computer died last week. Grrrrrrrr.

I get it back tomorrow with a new hard drive, so I'll be back in business soon!


  1. Looking forward to seeing the new works. I had noticed you have been pretty quiet, that happens when the computer dies!

  2. Looking forward to you posting again, Carol. It will be worth the wait, I'm sure!

  3. Oh, I hate it when that happens! Computers are wonderful, but they can also be a great stress provider. Hope you get your computer back and it works better than ever.

  4. Let's hope you get everything back as it once was! If you ever get stuck I have the name of an excellent computer person! She has pulled me out of some messy computer problems! And, very reasonable too...and not too far from where you live either! :) Looking forward to seeing your newest work! Hope we can get together next week to play at Susan's. I've got those days blocked out just in case! YEA!
