"GOLD VEIN" 11061, textured abstract with gold foil © Carol Nelson Fine Art


This 24x24 inch textured abstract features gold foil in the "vein."  That's the only thing about this painting that's flashy.  The rest is in subtle tones of gray, taupe, amber, with subtle hints of slate blue, and green.
For more information, click here to go to my website.


Booth shot

Over the weekend, I did an outdoor show called "The Taste of Lone Tree."  The show featured both artists and restaurant booths.  Restaurants from the area were doing a brisk business selling samples of their delicious food.

Artists, on the other hand, were not doing very well.  People were more interested in the food than the art.  Usually, for a two day show, in addition to sales, I will get a page and a half of people signing up for my newsletter because they're INTERESTED in what I do.  During this show, ONE person signed up.

Note to self:  If you're selling fine art, do not try to do it in any show that is not strictly a fine art show. 



  1. That's another beautiful work of art, Carol. I did my very first show on Sat. It included jewelry, woodworking, etc. as well as art. I only sold a few pieces of unframed watercolors and photographs and those were to family, friends and neighbors. I've yet to have a stranger want to own a piece of my art. That would be awesome. Thanks for the show tip. I will be more careful next time.

  2. Well... those folks were missing out. These paintings are so interesting and gorgeous. Love the most recent work with the gold vein.

  3. Appreciate how you share your experiences with us, it's made me aware of checking out your venue's ahead of time when you can.
    Seeing so many of your pieces all together like that makes quite an impact, love them all and the new piece as well.

  4. It is a sad state of affairs out there with art sales. Thank you for your candor and sharing Carol. Such a difficult thing to experience when it's one's livelihood and extreme amount of time in creating, investing and coordinating.
    Great abstracts!

  5. Your work is really beautiful. I really like the way you mix texture and tones. Your blog is a nice discovery for me.
