"BREAKWATER 2" daily painter textured abstract © Carol Nelson Fine Art

This textured waterscape is finished with a coating of epoxy resin, and mounted on a black panel.  These photos do not show the richness and depth of color.

For more information, please click here to go to my website.


Today is Precious' birthday.  She is 14.  To celebrate her birthday, we loaded Precious and her brothers, Charlie and Mo, into the van and drove to Dairy Queen.  They each had a small vanilla cone.  They get the same treat every year on her birthday and boy do they love it.


  1. Beautiful waterscape. The colors are look great. Must be really something in life.

  2. That is gorgeous! I love the shape of the canvas and how you're abstract flows down the canvas. I can tell that its rich and vibrant from these photos, but I can only imagine how nice it is in person. Beautiful!

  3. I'm sure this would be something to see in person, understand the frustration when a camera fails to convey the richness of a piece :-)
    What a beautiful girl she is, you are blessed to have her for all these years! Happy B-Day girlie.

  4. That's a truly gorgeous piece - I love your work so much.

    Happy birthday to Precious :)

  5. Thanks, everyone. I appreciate your comments. I'll pass along your birthday greetings to The Princess (that's how Precious sees herself).
