Another Chinese copy of my original

 Chinese rip off artists are at it again.  This painting is offered for sale on ArtOrient Trade Company, Ltd.  It's a direct copy of my original triptych poppy painting I did in 2008.

You can see they photoshopped out the spaces between the three canvases, cropped it a little, and painted it on one canvas.

Anyone who buys these "original" paintings originating in China should know they are probably supporting a company that sells rip offs of original work done by American (and probably others) artists.

This is a good blog to read about copyright infringement on a larger scale than my one painting:


Sandy Sandy Art said...

I'd hope that most of the folks who follow your blog know that, Carol.

People who go to these traveling "Famous Artist Shows", advertised on TV, to buy couch size originals, (factory made in China) for $49.99 at the local Ramada Inn - don't or just don't care. I just posted this reply on Robert Genn's current Painter's Keys, clickback this week," If you make your images too large, anyone could easily use them online or in print. For my blogs, I often use my little point and shoot. I don't necessarily want my work to be available in reprint quality online. If they want to use my images, I have a large selection online that they can license through iStock. Often I see unsigned, large sized works online with no artist's name even attached! If you must put large images online, I suggest a watermark and copyright. I learned this the hard way."

Patty Henderson said...

That really sucks!

Lorna Cahall said...

So sorry. They're total rats.

Carol Blackburn said...

That is horrible, Carol....I know it happens but how do you find out about these things? And, what do you do about it? Not that I have anything anyone would want to steal.

Carol Nelson said...

My blog shows what link people used to get there. In this case, someone was looking at Google poppy images, so I checked it out.

Most of them were my images that Google picks up from my blog/website, but this one was from the ArtOrient Trade Co, Ltd.
Since I have not licensed any images with them, I knew it was a fraud.

Bren Graham Thebeau said...

Can't believe how often this has happened to you, and these are only the ones you've found out about. It's a heck of a thing and I just don't know what you do about it when having an on line presence is necessary these days.

Susan Roux said...

Crazy! I can't believe people would be so low as to copy others and sell it as their own. I did a post awhile back on modern-day pirates. It really sickens me.

Yours is much better...

Pam Altschwager said...

It happens to us in Australia too Carol. A friend of mind painted some beautiful lilies for wrapping paper only to see her painting on an umbrella! Her design was also taken in China. She took the culprit to court, ended up thousands of dollars out of pocket but was awarded all the umbrellas that hadn't sold (about 20). The legal system should be tougher on these thieves. Sorry it happened to you. Cheers Pam.

Tracy said...

How can you protect yourself from this happening? Can you do anything about it once you find something like this?

Carol Nelson said...

Tracy - Put small, low resolution images of your work on the internet. That would help.
The factory artists can still copy it, but it would be more difficult from them.