"SOUTHWEST SPIRIT" 11054 daily painter textured southwest abstract landscape © Carol Nelson Fine Art


My friend and fellow artist Nancy Standlee posted a beautiful painting on her blog the other day that she had given a face lift.  I seem to be in a bit of a creativity slump lately, so what better time than to try to give a face lift to one of my unsuccessful paintings.

Above is the original version. You can see that I didn't mess much with the composition, but I pumped up the color.  I got rid of that black band across the top.  As a matter of fact, there is no black in the new version - just some deep purples and browns.  The black was too harsh.
I also added some purple and turquoise.  The result of this face lift is a genuine painted lady!  Looks really good in that floater frame.  For more information, please click here to see my website.


  1. A beautifully done 'revisit.' Glad you kept the basic composition but the changes you made with colour and textural elements like the paint drips really gave this piece a new feel.

  2. You are so creative! If you have been in a slump, I certainly have not noticed! This is beautiful!

  3. Wow that's beautiful Carol. Can you work the same magic with my face.........?
