Reflections on 2010

Looking back on 2010, I think it was a good year for me to grow as an artist.  Starting the year off with the portrait project was (pick one or more) intense, inspiring, gratifying, awesome, instructional, wonderful, amazing, satisfying, helpful.....  I could go on and on with the adjectives.

I learned so much from that project and feel I got to know so many people.  The awesome power of the internet was certainly revealed to me in a way I never fully realized before.

It also made me ponder the allure of the painted portrait.  We live in such a techno age, where it is now SO EASY to take photographs.  And after you take them, with a little knowledge, you can manipulate them to make them look even better.  I guess it's the EASE with which one can print a photo of themselves or a loved one, that makes the painted portrait even more unique.

I conducted several workshops and, for the first time, taught a 10 week class on painting with acrylics.  I found out how enjoyable it is to share my knowledge with others.  It also made me get organized.  My desk is still a mess, but the information I wanted to share with students had to be presented in a clear and logical fashion.
It's good to have order in your brain.  My studio is another matter.

I love new gadgets.  I bought my husband a smart phone for Christmas, and, as luck would have it, it was a buy one, get one free.  Woo-hoo! Did I luck out! I can take photos and videos with it, check email, check internet ... all kinds of cool things above and beyond calling and texting.  

Last night, being the good Mom that I am, I texted my daughters (who are responsible and in their 30's) to not drink and drive.  Actually, I KNEW I didn't have to tell them that - I just wanted to use my phone for texting, and that seemed like an appropriate message for New Year's Eve. They both texted back that they were wasted, on drugs, and texting while driving.  LOL  LOL

What's ahead in 2011?  Well, right off the bat, I have another class to teach starting Jan. 10th.  Then I have a large indoor show in Denver on 1/21 - 1/23.  

I have several workshops coming up in Feb, Mar, Apr, May and July.  My semiannual Youngberg Cousins Reunion is also planned for 2011 here in Denver. I am the host this year, so gotta get going on that planning!

Well, enough of this rambling.  I want to thank all of you who follow my blog, and especially when you to take time to leave me your comments.  Your observations and insights about my work are very valuable to me and I truly appreciate it.

My sincere wishes are for each you to have a 2011 that is better in health, happiness, and prosperity than ever before.



  1. I think yours is one of the first blogs I've started to follow. You've always been an inspiration in spirit and with your art. I am sure 2011 is going to be grander for you and your family. I for one am looking forward to what you are going to share with us followers.

  2. Happy New Year, Carol! You're blog has been one of my favorite places to visit in 2010 and I'm betting that 2011 will be even more impressive!

  3. Carol,
    I thoroughly enjoy your blog and can relate to a lot of your last post. It has been an amazing experience for me to get to learn from all the "big girls" who are so generous in sharing. Thanks and Happy 2011 to you!

  4. Wonderfully said Carol - and have fun with your new phone (you're a braver gal than I!).

  5. Looks like you have had a fabulous year and you should be looking forward to another!!

  6. Just wanted to say Happy New Year and thank you for sharing your AMAZING art and being such an inspiration.


  7. Happy New Year Carol. I read your blog practically every day and enjoy it so much. Thanks for taking the time to share your ideas and your beautiful art!

  8. Carol, This is a fabulous portrait. Love it.
