Day 92
OK, I've got to set the scene here. Catherine Yockers (74/100) has her knitting business making custom hand knit hats and other items. Click here to visit her Etsy shop. She sometimes calls on daughter Mandy and even the dog Molly to model her creations.
So here we have Mandy modeling a wool hat, in the summer, and not looking too happy about it. The look on Mandy's face looks so disgruntled that I smiled to myself the whole time I was painting her. It's more/less the same look I got from my daughters whenever they were told to do something they had no interest in doing such as cleaning their rooms, weeding the garden, picking strawberries, etc. Gotta love it.
For purchase information, please see my website.
Voting for your favorite portrait in group 81-90 ends tonight. Send you choice to carolnelsonfineart@comcast.net.
Methinks I like Catherine. Still, Mandy looks like she is quite a fun girl (clue: the glasses!) and the dog is just sublime! Another great painting, Carol. Mandy has a gorgeously shaped little face!
She's probably my favorite so far. Love the colors and the expression!
Are you feeling excited as you near your goal, or is it more a feeling of let down? Do you fear what you will do with your time afterwards? Have you set yourself another ambitious goal to replace this one?
Carol, you did an amazing job "knitting" with your paint brush here.
Another gorgeous painting.
Gosh-your almost done Carol! This one is one of my favorites. Love the knit hat and glasses.
Amazing piece.
Just love everything about it. The "happy" face, glasses, the great work on the wool hat.
Can I vote now for the next round?
Have a great day, mine started with a big smile.
TGIF, Irit
This is a top contender for me! The hat and glasses are priceless!! Good luck...you are in the home stretch!!
Mandy will hopefully have this cute painting of her hanging in her room soon, it is too priceless!
There is so much going on in this painting, but it all works so well, right down to the reflections in her sunglasses.
Carol this is great! Nice color and texture in the knit hat. Amber
This is right up there with my favorite portraits that you have done. What a challenge and you handled everything so well. Love all of the many textures!
Great job on this one!
Strong composition. Colorful. Fun!
Both the original reference photo(s) and the painting turned out wonderfully!
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