Day 94
This is the third portrait from the photos sent to me a couple months ago and taken by Ishrath in her travels in her native India. I was so intrigued by this photo, I wanted to paint it right away, but I made myself wait. This gentleman has such an interesting face and turban. I wonder how his day to day life differs from my own. A great deal, I bet.
For purchase information, please see my website.
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: I have an art show coming up next weekend. I am going to bring 20 portraits to the show and they must be for sale. If you have not purchased your portrait yet and intend to purchase it, please complete the transaction before next Thursday, 4-29. All the portraits are on my website with Paypal buttons.
Woooooww!!! Felicidades!!!!
tus obras son muy bellas...
Un abrazo.
This one is amazing, Carol. This gentleman has the most beautiful bone structure and you've definitely captured it!
Amazing what your hands can do!! I love the painting of the man from India. wow, congratulations and best wishes!!
This is such an interesting portrait. Love all the values in the folds of the turban. Great meeting you.
This turban must have been heaven for you knowing how you love hats!! and the beard!! AWESOME!!
Carol, this is absolutely fabulous. Love your style and the way you capture expression.
Another incredible portrait..and wow...only 6 more to go! It's been fun to share this journey with you!
AMAZING, outrageous, FANTASTIC, so impressive, EXCEPTIONAL, outstanding, .... I couuld keep going, but seriously Carol, this is an absolute bar-raiser!! Love it! Thanks for sharing your journey, you provoke me to love what I do.
This is amazing! Very exotic and very rich with color.
Thank you, Carol.
Very nice, Carol. Completely crazy. This painting has the colors that you normally you use and which I love. But however is very beautiful.
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