Blue Eyes, 9037, blue-eyed cat closeup

I love blue-eyed cats. Too bad I'm allergic to them or I would have a himalayan I think. Also I have 3 shih tzus, two of whom HATE cats. It would be chaos to add a cat to the mix.
For purchase information on this painting, please see my website.


Dean Grey said...

This cat painting has such an illustrative feel to it. Since I went to school for illustration I just love that look.

What size was this one, Carol? What medium did you use?

The blacks almost look like ink to me.

And you're eyes rule!


Carol Nelson said...

Thanks, Dean.
This is a 5x7 on masonite panel. The black is a combination of ivory black and prussian blue. Other colors were cobalt blue, titanium white, and burnt sienna and raw umber. That's it.